KidCheck Fitness

Time Limits help you manage and track allotted time in child care to be sure agreed upon or pre-purchased time is not exceeded.  Automatically know when a child or group of children are checked in and when their time is up.  No guessing, no watching the clock, no manual tracking.

Within KidCheck, a flashing icon shows at a glance when a time limit has been met or exceeded for a child(ren). Plus, parents/guardians and designated admins will also receive a text when the allotted time has been reached. Once a child has exceeded the designated time, they will not be able to check-in again until you determine.

Time limits is easy to set up and flexible to meet your organizations specific needs.  Time limit rules can be set up on a global or individual basis and include options for time per day, time per week, time per month; as well as days per week, and days per month.

Tutorial: Time Limits