KidCheck has text messaging built right into the system for a fast, easy way to communication with parents. Plus, it can be quickly done right from the Admin Console or Admin Console App. No need to use a check-in station. Communicating via text saves you time and energy, plus it’s easy to do.

Individual Text Messaging

  • Quickly let parents know about an issue, need, or emergency – right from the KidCheck system.
    • Perhaps their child is feeling sick, won’t stop crying, or needs a parent for a diaper change. Or a quick text might let them know their baby who was crying when they left the room is now smiling and playing happily.
  • Give parents peace of mind with the automatic “child is checked in/out” message when another authorized guardian drops off or picks up a child. Other guardians will have confirmation their child arrived safely and won’t be left wondering if a child has been picked up. Parents choose if they’d like to receive text message or not and for which activity.

Broadcast Text Messaging

  • Broadcast text messaging allows you to quickly communicate to a group of parents, volunteers/employees, or both to easily get the word out in one fell swoop.
    • Perfect for updates, change notifications, schedule or classroom information – anything that needs to be shared with a broader group
  • Filter options available include by campus, template, locations, check-in date range.
  • Track your communications to see from whom and when messages were sent
  • Available in Plus and Premier editions.
