KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Safety Guidelines for Youth Volunteers

Safety Guidelines for Youth Volunteers

Recruiting safe, energetic, committed, and engaged volunteers can be daunting. This is why some leaders prefer building volunteer teams for children’s ministry from within their organizations. You can save time and resources by attracting younger attendees already participating in middle and high school ministries. However, as ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Top Tips for VBS Follow Up

Top Tips for VBS Follow-Up

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is done! So, what’s next? VBS is one of the most significant outreach events of the year. You’re exhilarated, exhausted, and contemplating the next big thing. Remember, the follow-up is as important as all the work you’ve already done. By following up, ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Six Ways to Prioritize VBS Safety

Six Ways to Prioritize VBS Safety

This is the time of year when ministry teams begin ramping up for vacation bible school or VBS. VBS is a unique event that brings together a lot of new kids in a short time who probably don’t attend your weekly program. This can be ...
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KidCheck Secure Childrens Check-In Shares Eight Ways to Participate in Abuse Prevention Month

Eight Ways to Participate in Abuse Prevention Month

Child neglect and maltreatment are serious issues that require immediate action, and while they will never be eliminated, prevention is crucial for protecting the most vulnerable. That’s why, when working with families, we must prioritize prevention and identify, respond to, and report instances of abuse. April ...
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New! Introducing YouthCheck

The Only Check-In System Designed for Youth! We get it; the kids in your organization grow up fast, and as they mature, they have different needs and requirements when participating. Teens and young adults want independence, desire autonomy, and are fluent in using technology. They attend independently ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares KidCheck’s Top Five Posts of 2023

KidCheck’s Top Five Posts of 2023

Hey KidCheck Community! As we eagerly step into the new year, we’d like to take a moment to reflect on the information we shared in 2023 that you found most interesting. Throughout the year, KidCheck has been committed to providing valuable insights, child safety tips, and ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Two Important Weekly Safety Questions

Two Important Weekly Safety Questions

Families expect that if their children frequent an organization that serves kids and youth, it will consistently prioritize child safety. However, to prioritize safety, you must ask yourself the right questions. The right questions will help confirm that what you have in place is working ...
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KidCheck Secure Childrens Check-In SharesEleven Ways to Create a Safe Environment

Eleven Ways to Create a Safe Environment

For families, keeping their kids safe is always top of mind. They want to know how you intend to protect and ensure safety while their children are in your care. Child safety encompasses more than strict adherence to policy and procedures. It also involves creating an ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Is Sharing Tips to Prepare for Facility Emergencies

Tips to Prepare for Facility Emergencies

Recently we shared several Tips to Prepare for Natural Disasters and highlighted that an Emergency Action Plan (EAP), a series of written guidelines outlining how your organization intends to respond to various emergencies, is an essential part of the overall safety plan for the children’s ...
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Emergency Action Plans Part 2 with Dr. Val & Dr. Virginia

Recently we sat down with the Kidmin Doctors, Dr. Val and Dr. Virginia, to discuss emergency response for children’s ministry organizations. Last week we shared Part 1, which called out the benefits of having an Emergency Action Plan for your children’s area and offered some general ...
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