KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Back to School Trends and Technologies -In Shares

Back to School Trends and Technologies

The beginning of the school year always brings excitement and a bit of nervousness. As you know, things change quickly. The new reality for organizations serving kids and youth is that what may have worked in the past may not work today. According to eSchool News, ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares a Guest Post From Orange Leader Kristen Ivy

Every Child Needs These Six Things

This week we are featuring a guest post from Orange leader Kristen Ivy. Kristen is the President at Orange (the reThink Group, Inc) and Parent Cue, a live podcast for parents. She co-founded The Phase Project and has a degree in secondary education and a ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Five Ways to Overcome Technology Obstacles

Five Ways to Overcome Technology Obstacles

Does adding technology to your daily workflow in the children’s area make you shudder with fear? If so, we’ve got good news! Integrating technology will help when volunteers are scarce and improve productivity, increase efficiency, and make life easier. However, getting everyone on board can be ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Is Sharing 12 Children’s Ministry Fall Outreach Ideas

12 Children’s Ministry Fall Outreach Ideas

Struggling to attract new families? Fall is a fresh start and a great time to build community. It’s the time of year when the heat of summer disappears, the days become shorter, the foliage colors become vibrant, and sweater weather begins. According to the experts, ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares The Power of Smiling

The Power of Smiling

Smiling, it’s a simple act we rarely think about when going about our daily lives. But the truth is every time we flash a smile, we send a message to the world. The act of smiling is fascinating because it is 100% original. According to ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Guest Post from Dale Hudson on 3 Strategies for Impacting Kids

Guest Post: 3 Strategies for Impacting Kids

This week we are featuring a guest post from ministry thought-leader Dale Hudson. Dale has over 30 years of ministry experience, is the author of several books, and has been featured in Time Magazine and Christianity Today. In addition, as a sought-after speaker and executive ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Is Sharing The Cost of the Constant Hustle

The Cost of the Constant Hustle

If you spend any time on social media, you’ll see hashtags such as #sleepisforlosers, #riseandgrind, and #hustlehard. Our culture is obsessed with long work hours, busyness, and constant achievement. We praise grueling schedules, glorify busyness, and constantly look for ways to perform the next miracle. ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Tips for Difficult Conversations with Attending Families

Tips for Difficult Conversations with Attending Families

As a child or youth-focused organization leader, you know the importance of effective communication with families. It’s easy when things are running smoothly, and there’s no immediate need for difficult discourse. But, what happens if there’s an incident or behavioral issue with a child or ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Is Sharing What To Do After Child Abuse After Prevention Month

Ways To Help After Abuse Prevention Month

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month and the one month of the year that organizations dedicated to kids and youth highlight the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child neglect and abuse. Beyond that, prevention needs to remain an ongoing priority ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Do You Have An Exit Strategy for Families, A guest post from Dale Hudson

Do You Have An Exit Strategy For Families? A Guest Post from Dale Hudson

It’s the time of year when new and visiting families begin to attend your church. The first and last impressions will determine how likely new families are to return. However, it’s the last impression that is final and very powerful. Making sure that visiting families have ...
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