Let’s Talk about Child Safety – A Panel Discussion from Kidmin Nation

Last week, KidCheck had the honor of participating in the Safety in Kidmin Online Forum put on by Ryan Frank, founder of Kidmin Nation. Participating in the forum were children’s ministry directors from all over the US and Canada. The safety panelists were a mix of children’s pastors and ministry resource providers. The topic, as a leader’s in children’s ministry, what can you do to keep kids safe?
That is the question on a lot of people’s mind right now, due to the senseless tragedy that occurred at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs Texas just a few short weeks ago. As the Washington Post shared, “the gunman’s life was riddled with warning signs, and his past actions put a spotlight on domestic violence.” Unfortunately, domestic violence and custody issues are but a few of the circumstances that many children’s ministry leaders deal with on a weekly basis, coupled with the challenge of keeping kids safe – it’s a lot to manage.
Ryan Frank moderated the dialogue and kicked off the discussion with panelists that were esteemed children’s pastors from ministries of all shapes and sizes. Each panelist addressed the question, “What are you doing in your church to keep kids safe?” Many shared simple ways they incorporate safety into their ministries, the training tips they use to keep volunteer knowledge fresh, and how they engage with church security teams. Next to speak was a group of panelists from different organizations that believe child safety should be a top priority. These representatives were asked the question, “What do you see churches around the country doing to keep kids safe and what do you recommend to these kidmin leaders with us today?”