KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Tips To Prepare for Cold and Flu Season

Tips To Prepare for Cold and Flu Season

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Benjamin Franklin The season for colds and flu is upon us and rarely has the manners to spare anyone! Prevention is key. Here are some practical tips to help you get equipped to battle the bugs ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Allergy Advice for Back to School

Allergy Advice for Back to School

Heading back to school is an exciting time for most families. However, for those dealing with food allergies it can be a stressful and frightening time, at best. For kids with allergies, dangers lurk around every corner with high risk potential in shared-food spaces such as a ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Important Emergency Evacuation Procedures

Emergency Evacuation Procedures

Emergencies occur every day. We cannot stop disasters from happening, but we can do everything within our power to be prepared. Preparedness as a core principle is so much less costly than learning through experience.  As Benjamin Franklin shared, “By failing to prepare, you are ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Introduces A New Admin Console App

New Features – KidCheck Admin Console App

Recently, KidCheck launched a new Admin Console App, making the KidCheck Admin Console that everyone knows and loves available via a mobile app. This app puts all the important data right at your fingertips, making it faster and easier to use. With the KidCheck Admin Console ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Top Child Safety Tips for Organizations Caring for Children

Top Child Safety Tips for Organizations Caring for Children

It’s important that all organizations caring for children have safety and security policies and procedures to ensure every child is protected and taken care of. Childcare centers, churches, activity centers, and fitness facilities are all places where parents drop off their kids, trusting they will ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In and the INCM Online Early Childhood Event

KidCheck and the INCM Early Childhood Event

Today, KidCheck was honored to participate in the INCM Early Childhood Event, “Loving and Serving the Littles.” The event was designed for those serving this special group within children’s ministries and covered topics such as safety and policies, training and keeping nursery volunteers, how little ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Child Safety & Security Planning

KidCheck Child Safety & Security Planning

At KidCheck we know it’s easier for both kids and parents to focus and connect with others in an environment where the kids feel safe and protected. For most children’s ministries, both small and large, a safe and secure environment is a top priority. However, in a time ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Top Child Safety Tips of 2016

KidCheck’s Top Child Safety Tips of 2016

As part of our ongoing commitment to child protection, each week KidCheck shares safety tips for organizations focused on caring for children. The purpose of sharing these tips is to provide information that is actionable, easy to implement, and helps to improve child safety. We believe ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Tips for Emergency Planning

KidCheck: Medical Emergencies – Be Prepared

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Benjamin Franklin Keeping the little ones in your care safe is a top priority, and being prepared for any medical emergency is a key to accomplishing that goal. Strongly consider the possibility that an emergency can happen ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Checkin and the INCM Equip Child Safety Discussion

KidCheck and INCM Equip Course Child Safety Discussion

This week we presented to the INCM Equip Starter Group and the discussion centered on how to become “safety minded” in children’s ministry. We outlined eight elements of consideration for looking at safety from a holistic perspective. In addition, we shared the steps to continue ...
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