KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Back to School Child Safety Policies

Back To School – A Good Time to Review & Refresh Child Safety Procedures

Back to school is the perfect time of year for churches, fitness facilities, and other child-centered organizations to take a look at their current child safety and security strategies.  At KidCheck we refer to this as a Child Protection Policy (CPP). By reviewing your organizations current ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Part 3: Reducing Juvenile Offenses in Children's Ministry

KidCheck Series Part 3: Reducing the Risk of Juvenile Offenses in Children’s Ministry

Thanks for joining us for the third and final post in our “Reducing the Risk of Juvenile Offenses in Children’s Ministry” series. In Part 1, we introduced the challenge of juvenile offenders in children’s ministry and in Part 2, we discussed the nature of juvenile offenses and ...
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KidCheck Series Part 2: Reducing the Risk of Juvenile Offenses in Children’s Ministry

This is the second in a series of three “Reducing the Risk of Juvenile Offenses in Children’s Ministry” posts focusing on the nature of juvenile offenses and commonalities in profile of those who offend.  We’ll also share the importance of creating awareness and having a ...
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KidCheck secure children's check-In shares the benefits of electronic check-in vs. using pen and paper

The Benefits of Electronic Children’s Check-In vs. Using Pen & Paper

Making the decision to move away from using pen and paper to an electronic solution for your children’s ministry check-in may seem daunting, due to all the details that must be considered. On one hand, pen and paper is low cost, simple, and can be ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In is sharing Juvenile Offenses in Children's Ministry

KidCheck Series Part 1: Reducing the Risk of Juvenile Offenses in Children’s Ministry

Churches often go to great lengths to protect children from harm and offense. The most common tactics include establishing a Child Protection Policy, educating & training staff, screening volunteers, and implementing a check-in and check-out process. On the other hand, what happens when the very ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In is highlighting Volunteer/Employee Background Check Policy

Volunteer/Employee Background Check Policy and Procedures

Organizations know background checks help reduce risk, maintain a safe environment and minimize liability. Yet it can be a challenging topic of discussion and often brings up questions such as when, how often, for whom, how important is it really, and what happens if we don’t ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Safety Beyond Check-In

Safety Beyond Check-In

Article By: our friend Jason Hensley .  Jason brings a wealth of knowledge as he served 11 years as a senior/associate pastor, prior to becoming a police officer, SWAT operator, and Active shooter instructor in a local law-enforcement agency. Jason’s passion for serving in children’s ministry, coupled with ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Child Safety Tips for VBS

Child Safety Tips for VBS

It’s the time of year when children’s ministry teams begin ramping up for planning, coordinating, and overseeing their largest outreach event of the year – Vacation Bible School (VBS).  Whether you’re setting goals, preparing budgets, or creating a promotional plan; one fact remains the same…child ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In and The Children's Pastors' Conference

Big Church, Little Church – It all begins with C!

Last week KidCheck attended The Children’s Pastors’ Conference in La Mesa California, as both a resource provider and a workshop presenter.  The KidCheck workshop was called “The Child Protection Policy Unwrapped” and covered the most essential elements of establishing an effective Child Protection Policy (CPP). The goal ...
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KidCheck secure children's check-in and "The Child Protection Policy Unwrapped"

KidCheck’s Workshop – Child Protection Policy Unwrapped at #CPC2Day

As a leader in child safety, we’re always excited at the opportunity to share the latest information on how to keep kids safe within ministry. On February 26-27, KidCheck will be attending The Children’s Pastors’ Conference (#CPC2Day) in La Mesa California, as a both a ...
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