KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Developing Strong Youth Ministry Teams: A Guest Post from Justin Knowles

Developing Strong Youth Ministry Teams: A Guest Post from Justin Knowles

This week, we are featuring a guest post from Justin Knowles. Justin oversees the kids’ and youth ministry teams for all 13 Sandals Church campuses in Riverside, CA. In his spare time, he co-hosts the Youth Ministry Hacks Podcast, writes about his adventures in ministry ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Eight Benefits of Strategic Planning

Eight Benefits of Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a key driver of success for individuals and organizations. By investing the time to work through a yearly plan, you will be better able to navigate uncertainty, set the stage for growth, and more successfully manage your organization. Here are eight compelling ...
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New! Introducing YouthCheck

The Only Check-In System Designed for Youth! We get it; the kids in your organization grow up fast, and as they mature, they have different needs and requirements when participating. Teens and young adults want independence, desire autonomy, and are fluent in using technology. They attend independently ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Five Skills for Future Success

Five Skills for Future Success

The pace of the world is quickening, and many of us wonder what we will need to know in the future to succeed. Is it just technical skills, or are there soft skills that need to be focused on to complete tasks that machines can’t ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Two Important Weekly Safety Questions

Two Important Weekly Safety Questions

Families expect that if their children frequent an organization that serves kids and youth, it will consistently prioritize child safety. However, to prioritize safety, you must ask yourself the right questions. The right questions will help confirm that what you have in place is working ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares The Importance of Good Questions

The Importance of Good Questions

You may not have all the answers as a leader, but that shouldn’t stop you from asking good questions. Questions are important because they stimulate discussion, promote critical thinking, and act as a conduit for increased creativity and innovation. Learning to ask powerful questions is ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Volunteer Scheduling Made Easy

Volunteer Scheduling Made Easy

  Watch this video to learn more about how KidCheck’s volunteer scheduling tool saves you time, eliminates manual processes, and helps simplify the tasks of overseeing volunteers. It’s perfect for any event across your organization and comes in a mobile app or desktop option. Check out this ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Four Types of Bullying and How to Respond

Four Types of Bullying and How to Respond

Bullying is a serious and complex issue, that if not dealt with can have lasting effects. One strategy we’ve highlighted is creating a Speak-Up Culture which empowers people to speak up and share their bullying experiences without retribution. It also encourages people to stand up for one another. ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Seven Tips to Address Adult Bullying

Seven Tips to Address Adult Bullying

Bullying is on track to become a national epidemic. October is National Bullying Prevention Month. We have shared information on how to prevent, address, and help kids and youth who are experiencing being bullied by their peers, but what about adults in leadership roles, volunteering, ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares 12 Outreach Ideas for Fall

12 Outreach Ideas for Fall

Fall is a great time to ramp up your outreach and work on building your local community. Shorter days, cooler weather, the delicious smells of fall, and the changing colors draw people outside. Experts believe fall has unique qualities that increase people’s excitement and willingness ...
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