KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Six Reasons You Need a Volunteer Recruitment Strategy

Six Reasons You Need a Volunteer Recruitment Strategy

A volunteer recruitment strategy is a plan that shows your organization is committed to attracting, recruiting, and keeping volunteers with skills and interests which line up with your needs and requirements. A strategy helps everyone understand why you are doing what you are doing, the ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-in is Sharing The Worst Child Safety Habits and How to Replace Them

The Worst Child Safety Habits and How to Replace Them

A habit is an acquired pattern or routine behavior that when repeated consistently becomes almost involuntary. We are all creatures of habit. Perhaps you’ve never considered that most of what you do in a day consists of habits. Much like good habits, which keep us focused, ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Five Ways to Welcome New Families During the Holidays

Five Ways to Welcome New Families During the Holidays

Giving intentional thought to how you welcome new families this holiday season will go a long way in welcoming them into your community. The initial introductions, establishing a good connection and making a positive first impression are good places to start. Ask yourself, “What does the ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares a Guest Post From Orange Leader Kristen Ivy

Every Child Needs These Six Things

This week we are featuring a guest post from Orange leader Kristen Ivy. Kristen is the President at Orange (the reThink Group, Inc) and Parent Cue, a live podcast for parents. She co-founded The Phase Project and has a degree in secondary education and a ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares The Power of Smiling

The Power of Smiling

Smiling, it’s a simple act we rarely think about when going about our daily lives. But the truth is every time we flash a smile, we send a message to the world. The act of smiling is fascinating because it is 100% original. According to ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares The Importance of the Annual Family Survey

The Importance of the Annual Family Survey

Recently we shared a post on five items for success in children’s ministry and highlighted the benefits of using an annual survey to engage and connect with families. However, that’s just one of the many benefits of using an annual survey. More organizations should take advantage ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Succession Planning – Preparing for Change

Succession Planning – Preparing for Change

It doesn’t matter how stable your organization is; change is inevitable. Staff and leadership transitions can happen frequently. Consider how your organization would respond if you lost any of your most important volunteers, staff, and leadership positions today? Would there be people ready to assume ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Handling Toxic Team Members

Handling Toxic Team Members

As a leader in your organization, unfortunately at some point, you will likely come across a staff member or volunteer who lacks a desire to complete their assigned tasks and exhibits a negative or even toxic attitude. Organizations utilizing volunteers know attracting good quality people for ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares 11 Ways to Combat Stress

11 Ways to Combat Stress

You might not realize it, but stress may be affecting your quality of life and performance at work. It’s never a good practice to ignore feelings of constant tension. Indicators of Stress Stress can affect several different areas and systems of the body. Understanding the symptoms of ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares 20 Exit Interview Questions for Feedback

20 Exit Interview Questions for Feedback

Volunteers and committed staff make a difference in the performance of your organization. Aristotle once said, “The essence of life is serving others and doing good”. In fact, many organizations cannot carry out their mission without committed volunteers and long-term staff. Recently, VolunteerHub shared that ...
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