KidCheck operates from a unique centralized database that allows any parent with a KidCheck account the ability to check-in children at a facility that uses KidCheck without having to re-create an account at that facility. But a parent’s information is not available to a child care provider until that parent has checked in at least once.

Prior to roll out, a child care facility may want to get some feedback as to how many parents have created KidCheck accounts. When the parent goes to to create an account, they are given the option to designate what child care provider referred them to create an account. If they designate your facility, their information will show up on the Guardian Login Account Report available under the Reports tab > Available Report Library.

Please note: Not all parents will show up on the report; just those that designate you as the referring child care provider. If a parent has created an account but isn’t listed, they will still be able to check-in without any problem.