KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares 8 Steps to Create a Training Program

8 Steps to Create a Training Program

  We are heading into fall, meaning an increase in new volunteers who need to be trained. Many will be responsible for tasks they have never completed in a system they’ve never worked in. To help new volunteers be successful, you need to increase their knowledge ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Back to School Trends and Technologies -In Shares

Back to School Trends and Technologies

The beginning of the school year always brings excitement and a bit of nervousness. As you know, things change quickly. The new reality for organizations serving kids and youth is that what may have worked in the past may not work today. According to eSchool News, ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Is Sharing Getting Started Resources

KidCheck Getting Started Resources

  Whatever your status, knowledge, or experience with children’s check-in, we want to make you aware of the KidCheck resources available to ensure your success. In addition to the free personal training you receive, here are a few resources to help you get check-in up and running ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Is Sharing 12 Children’s Ministry Fall Outreach Ideas

12 Children’s Ministry Fall Outreach Ideas

Struggling to attract new families? Fall is a fresh start and a great time to build community. It’s the time of year when the heat of summer disappears, the days become shorter, the foliage colors become vibrant, and sweater weather begins. According to the experts, ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares The Power of Smiling

The Power of Smiling

Smiling, it’s a simple act we rarely think about when going about our daily lives. But the truth is every time we flash a smile, we send a message to the world. The act of smiling is fascinating because it is 100% original. According to ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Succession Planning – Preparing for Change

Succession Planning – Preparing for Change

It doesn’t matter how stable your organization is; change is inevitable. Staff and leadership transitions can happen frequently. Consider how your organization would respond if you lost any of your most important volunteers, staff, and leadership positions today? Would there be people ready to assume ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Tips for Difficult Conversations with Attending Families

Tips for Difficult Conversations with Attending Families

As a child or youth-focused organization leader, you know the importance of effective communication with families. It’s easy when things are running smoothly, and there’s no immediate need for difficult discourse. But, what happens if there’s an incident or behavioral issue with a child or ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares Safety Tips for Returning Children to Regular Activity

Safety Tips for Returning Children to Regular Activity

This summer, parents have spent a lot of time educating their children on the actions they should take to prevent them from getting sick. Nevertheless, kids are often focused on other things and may not remember the wise words from their parents. Most families have ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Shares What to do if a Team Member Tests Positive for COVID-19

What To Do If A Team Member Tests Positive For COVID-19

Leaders from all types of child and youth-focused organizations are currently working with different scenarios around COVID-19 and trying to gain a footing. Activities such as creating reopening plans, understanding effective germ management, and identifying ways to social distance during child check-in and out are ...
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KidCheck Secure Children's Check-In Highlights Sharing Your COVID-19 Communication Plan

Sharing Your COVID-19 Communication Plan

We recently posted eight communication fundamentals for sharing information during a crisis and offered ways to help you create an effective communication plan for the families and internal groups you serve. Now here are some efficient ways to get the information out that’s in the ...
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